Health Benefits of Drinking Rooibos.

  • Diabetes

  • Digestion

  • Kidney Support

  • Healthy Weight

  • Heart Health

  • Fights Cancer

  • Allergies

  • Active Lifestyle

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Special Offers.

on our rooibos & herbal teas

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A Quick Guide To Annique Teas.

All Rooibos & Herbal Teas.

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Top Tip.

1 Teabag makes 2 Strong Cups of Herbal Tea.

Add 1 tea bag to sufficient hot water for 2-3 cups and let it infuse for about 5 minutes


Much like making wine, making a good quality Rooibos tea is both a science and an art. ANNIQUE guarantees 80% ofĀ the tea is tea leaves, which makes the tea much higher in antioxidants,healing health properties, and much stronger than the equivalent in some other brands.

ANNIQUE teas are all-natural,free of any preservatives or artificial colourants, naturally caffeine free,low tannin.

Rooibos & Herbs containĀ superior quality herbs mixed with our special blend of Rooibos to help provide natural and safe relief from everyday ailmentsĀ to offer extensive healing health properties.